Laura Aprile is a painter who chooses to portray the intimate facets of femininity with an indiscrete eye to responding with sensuality. In her painting, she often employs fragments to portray herself, using a nudity that is far from the quiet truth, with a precise and technically rigorous style code. Her women rarely show their faces and yet they stare, demure, at a space intended only for those who observe them. Known for her portrait work in Italy and abroad, she has a reputation for the similarity to the photo image that she often uses as a model for her works. Laura Aprile is of Sicilian origin, and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, where she has lived and worked since 1990. Throughout her painting career, she has been the focus of panels and educational relationships with those involved in culture and entertainment, and leverage in the artistic world.
Laura Aprile es una pintora que opta por retratar las facetas íntimas de la feminidad con una mirada indiscreta para responder con sensualidad. En su pintura, a menudo emplea fragmentos para retratarse a sí misma, utilizando una desnudez que se aleja de la verdad silenciosa, con un código de estilo preciso y técnicamente riguroso. Sus mujeres rara vez muestran sus rostros y, sin embargo, miran fijamente, recatadas, a un espacio destinado sólo a quienes las observan. Conocida por su trabajo de retrato en Italia y en el extranjero, tiene fama por la similitud con la imagen fotográfica que suele utilizar como modelo para sus obras. Laura Aprile es de origen siciliano y se graduó en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Florencia, donde vive y trabaja desde 1990. A lo largo de su carrera pictórica, ha sido objeto de paneles y relaciones pedagógicas con personas relacionadas con la cultura y el espectáculo, y ha hecho palanca en el mundo artístico.